We live to exalt His name.

Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a lifelong dedicated church which serves the Lord every day. We are focused on serving God with compassion and commitment. With God’s amazing grace, we shall spread the good news from the Lord that He is one faithful God and that His promises are true. We want to lead our dear Brothers and Sisters back to the path of the Lord, that they may find peace and salvation in Him.

Our Mission

At CMFI Tabernacle of Praise, our mission is to preach and teach The Gospel of the Kingdom of God to all creation (Matt 28:19), leading them into an everlasting relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ (Rom 8:29).

Our Vision

The Love of God, salvation from the lost world and the wrath to come, and the assurance of an everlasting life with God are the center of our vision and mission(Matthew 24:14). Inspired by Jesus’s own words in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost”, we want to see millions who have not yet known him experience total transformation through the everlasting Love of God revealed through His Son Jesus Christ.

CMFI Top Brief Church History

CMFI TOP Bowie, Maryland started in August 2007 with the gathering of the current pastor, his wife, and some faithful brethren at the pastor’s home, which they considered a small fellowship house. Members of the CMFI family lived in Washington, DC, Prince George’s County, and the Montgomery County Area. With great zeal and passion for the lost souls, CMFI TOP launched an evangelistic campaign. This zeal for soul-winning came through a prophecy by the Apostolic Leader at that time, Professor Zachariah T. Fomum from Yaoundé Cameroon, West Africa. The brethren from Silver Spring, Washington, DC used to travel over 60 miles on Fridays for prayer meetings and Sundays to attend and participate in worship services. In one of the Friday prayer nights in Westminster, in June of 2006, Bishop Robinson Fondong (the senior pastor) read to us about this prophecy, which calls for Worldwide evangelism and soul-winning. We were so moved. The same night, about five brethren by the names of Julie Mendi, Fortune Tate, Eneke Bechem, Therese Fomenky, and Thomas Bechem (now a pastor) returned home that same night and gathered in Thomas’ one-bedroom apartment in Riverdale Auburn Avenue and began praying for the prophecy they had received. They prayed all night. Early in the morning, they decided to go out and preach the gospel starting with their neighbors, and then planned a strategy. Every Friday night after coming back from the Westminster prayer meeting, these brethren would gather in Thomas Bechem’s apartment and pray, and on Saturday morning, from about 10 am to 1 pm, they would continue evangelizing from one apartment complex to another. This action was done weekly and for months. Because of this radical evangelism, people were being saved from all races. This motivated them to continue because they knew the Lord was with them. They would preach on Saturdays and those who were saved would be driven on the church van to Westminster, Carroll County, the mother church for Sunday Services. As time went on, they noticed that not all the people were able to go to Westminster because of the distance. So they decided to start a Monday Bible Study at Thomas Bechem’s apartment. On Monday mornings and afternoons, the brethren would visit the young converts, pray with them, and encourage them to come for bible studies on Monday evenings. In fact, this ministry was almost throughout the week. Many would call throughout the day, nights, and even on midnights for prayers and counseling. Interestingly enough, God had prepared willing vessels that were there to meet the needs of the people. God backed their ministry with signs and wonders. Testimonies of healing from cancer and kidney diseases were recorded. Many were delivered from various demonic strongholds and addictions of various types. The testimonies of the ministry went abroad to the entire community. The brethren would be very eager as they look forward to the next Monday Bible study/fellowship. Most of them brought chairs from their homes as well as food and drinks to share after the fellowship. The brethren had all things in common. The pastor would then teach the word of God and minister deliverance to the people. This happened around December of 2006. Thomas Bechem became the church van driver and served in the leadership of the church. He would pick up the brethren on Friday evenings and Sunday mornings to go to Westminster for bible studies and church services respectively. News about this move of God reached Professor Zachariah Fomum who sent words to the senior pastor in Westminster to visit the brethren and make an assessment. In early 2007, Pastor Mark Wadel and Bishop Robinson Fondong, along with some leaders from Westminster, visited the fellowship which was gathering on Monday evenings. There were over forty brethren who gathered in that one-bedroom apartment. The report went back to Professor Zachariah Fomum, who gave instructions for the church to be planted without delay. Thomas Bechem was commissioned by the team to look for a church building. God was with him and hence in less than two weeks, he found the auditorium of Margaret Brent School to fit the purpose. The location was rented, and the date of the church launching was set in August of 2007. Thereafter, Pastor James Ekortah was appointed as the full-time pastor of the church by the mother church from Westminster. He served as the pastor until May 2012 where he left for Cameroon, West Africa. Pastor Thomas Bechem, who had served, became the pastor until the present. Without a shadow of doubt, CMFI TOP Bowie is commissioned and mandated by the Lord to reach the lost according to Mark 16:15 and nurture the believers into a mature relationship through Jesus Christ.

About the Pastor

Rev. Dr. Thomas Bechem became born again in October 2003. He was baptized in water and filled with the Holy Ghost thereafter. He was born in a very religious family, which made him religious but not saved (born again). He moved to Westminster, Maryland in October 2013 where he met with his childhood friend Bishop Robinson who later reintroduced him to Christ. He saw the emptiness of his life and decided to totally surrender it to Christ. His hunger for the Word increased. The more he knew the Lord, the more he became hungry for Him. He also developed a new passion and compassion for the lost souls. His focus was to win as many souls for the Lord as possible. Pastor Thomas has seen the miraculous healing hand of God in his life and others. The Lord Jesus appeared in his room, placed His hand on his chest, and healed him from an unknown sickness. Pastor Thomas holds a doctorate degree in Divinity/Biblical Studies from My Life Theological University, Washington, DC. He also acquired postgraduate education in Biblical Studies from Christian Leadership University, Buffalo, New York, and holds an MBA in Finance/Project Management from Strayer University, Takoma Park, Maryland. Pastor Thomas also acquired a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry through the STEP Program of Eastern Mennonite University in Lancaster, PA. He is married to Pastor Eneke Bechem who is his greatest blessing from the Lord. Together, they are blessed with four children, two princes and two princesses. By gift and calling, Pastor Thomas is an evangelist/pastor with a shepherd heart to care for the flock God entrusted in his watch. He goes above and beyond the call of ministry to see that all goes well with the flock. Pastor Thomas has been involved in evangelism and soul-winning since 2006. He was called to start a Drug and Alcohol Restoration Program in 2015, which led many of the victims, who attended the program, to repentance from their sins and acceptance of Christ.

Let Us All Unite

As a dedicated church in Maryland, Christian Missionary Fellowship International is fully committed to helping those who are in the dark and seeking His light. The tabernacle we have established is made for those who wish to have a solemn conversation with the Lord. Please do contact us should you have further inquiries.